
Smart Building Technology Solutions for Education

Smart Building Technology helps educational institutions optimise facilities, improve efficiencies, and enhance student & staff well-being.

Our tailored IoT solutions provide insights to create healthier, more comfortable spaces for students and staff.

By focusing on data-driven decisions, we enable schools, colleges, and universities to reduce costs, boost energy efficiency, improve learning environments, and ensure Schools stay open through cold winters and difficult periods.

Smart Building Technology - Making education spaces, better places to learn & thrive!

Improving health & safety in schools with IoT technology

Paired with robust emergency preparedness strategies, IoT technologies can enhance health and safety in schools and other educational establishments.

After two years of school closures in response to the coronavirus pandemic, major challenges remain concerning the health and safety of teachers and pupils alike. Schools have long been hotbeds for virus transmission, and the pandemic has underscored the need for innovative new ways to keep people safe and healthy.

The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has set forth stringent standards that schools and similar premises must adhere to. These include minimum requirements for air quality, heating, air conditioning, water supply, and physical safety. Proportionate control measures have to be introduced to minimise the spread of infectious diseases and setting minimum standards for risk management and staff training.

A group of children are sitting at desks in front of computers in a library.
A group of people are walking in front of a large building

The management burden of meeting health and safety standards is undeniably significant. For example, the traditional approach to monitoring air and water quality relies heavily on manual measurements and analysis. Similarly, ensuring physical security traditionally requires manual checks and dedicated security staff. Things like keys and key cards often get lost or mislaid, further increasing the risks to pupils. Addressing these challenges at scale quickly becomes impractical. After all, there is an average of almost 400 pupils per school in the UK, which means there is a lot of infrastructure to look after.

Improving health and safety in schools requires an innovative combination of people, process, and technology. This includes the real-time collection of data about things like air and water quality and secure access controls. Smart technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) provide a proven way to streamline health and safety operations and equip decision-makers with the insights they need to build safer and healthier environments.

Scaling up the SMART schools with IoT technology

Connectivity is already well-established as a cornerstone of the modern education experience. It’s now time to take the connected school to the next level with smart technologies, such as sensor-enabled health and security measures.

For example, IoT sensors can monitor air quality in real-time to provide instantaneous alerts if temperature or humidity levels fall outside recommended levels. Similarly, sensors connected to water-systems can reduce the risk of pathogens by continuously monitoring variables like temperature, algal bloom, and flow rate. Not only are these sensors very easy to install – they require minimum maintenance, while eliminating the need for regular on-site visits. Moreover, the data collected ensures you always have a complete audit trail, allowing you to demonstrate your health and safety efforts to regulatory bodies.

IoT technologies can also enhance physical security. For example, wireless access controls can be centrally managed, making it easy for administrators to grant or revoke access rights as needed. IoT-based access is also more convenient for pupils and teachers alike, since it eliminates the age-old problem of lost keys.

Extending connectivity to health and safety offers a proven way for schools to reduce risk and ease the burden on management. Most importantly, thanks to real-time data collection and persistent connectivity, schools can take a proactive approach to keeping their staff and pupils safe.

Why Smart Technology is Ideal for the Education Sector

A blue circle with a speedometer and a lightning bolt inside of it.

Energy Meters

There are 4.2 million smart utility meters in homes and businesses across the UK. By monitoring heating, electricity and water usage in real time, tenants and property managers no longer need to rely on estimated bills or regular meter checks. In turn, tenants can be assured that they only pay for exactly what they use.

A blue circle with a white sss icon inside of it.


Smart thermostats continually monitor energy usage and minimize power consumption, saving between £70 and £150 per household per year, according to the Energy Saving Trust. They can be remotely controlled to switch on the heating when a property is unoccupied, reducing the risk of pipes freezing and bursting. They can also provide a social benefit, by highlighting households that may be struggling with, for example, fuel poverty.

Connected thermostats also support more effective maintenance by continuously monitoring for faults and sending data directly to manufacturers. When a potential problem is identified, the manufacturer can either intervene remotely or send an engineer to solve the issue.

An icon of a gas pump in a blue circle.

Fuel Poverty

Approximately 30% of housing stock is considered to be at high risk of damp, mold and condensation. On average, a cost of a disrepair claim for mold is £10,000. For a housing provider or landlord with 10,000 properties, this totals £30 million of potential exposure to disrepair claims for this problem alone.

For tenants, mold, damp and condensation issues can have significant impact on health. It can lead to allergic reactions and even asthma attacks. Technology-led solutions can prevent the growth of mold within residential property. By monitoring the temperature and humidity within a property, preventative action can be taken.

A line drawing of a virus in a blue circle.

Mold Prevention

The advent of LED technology has made lighting significantly more efficient in recent years, but leaving the lights on is a common way that families waste money and energy. Smart lighting can reduce household energy consumption by up to 90%. Remotely managing communal area lighting can also improve living conditions and security. Smart bulbs can learn when occupants are usually in or out, which may help deter potential thieves.

An icon of a light bulb in a blue circle.


The advent of LED technology has made lighting significantly more efficient in recent years, but leaving the lights on is a common way that families waste money and energy. Smart lighting can reduce household energy consumption by up to 90%. Remotely managing communal area lighting can also improve living conditions and security. Smart bulbs can learn when occupants are usually in or out, which may help deter potential thieves.

A hand is holding a bag of money and a house.

Protect Assets

IoT monitoring is not just suitable for use in the home. Assets within communal areas such as lifts and large boilers can be monitored to ensure they operate within their standard threshold. Whenever an abnormality occurs, you and your team will be sent a real-time alert via email, text or call – helping to prevent downtime or even failure.

Similarly, in instances where properties may be unoccupied, IoT led motion sensors can alert you to any unexpected movement within your properties or opening of door. With this system in place, those responsible for site security have a comprehensive view of your site remotely.

A blue circle with a white icon of a pipe in it.

Water Leak Damage

Damp and water leakage issues are often an unexpected cost. Even minor leaks can quickly escalate with devastating consequences. With smart sensors, the problem can be highlighted as soon as moisture is identified and addressed before it is too late.

Smart sensors monitor and send real-time data about the property’s humidity and moisture levels. Combined with data from heat sensors, property managers can see where an issue might occur before any major problems arise. This can also have a profound impact on reducing health risks among housing occupants.

A shield with a padlock inside of it in a blue circle.


For Housing Associations and their tenants, the implementation of smart technology – including wireless access control – is a win-win. Not only can it provide residents with benefits such as reduced bills, speedy delivery of maintenance, or greater peace of mind and security, but it also allows housing professionals to manage their buildings in a more efficient, sustainable and cost-effective way.

Smart devices can do everything from automated arming and disarming of alarms, to capturing CCTV footage and streaming to an off-site location for centralized monitoring. Smart locks are a great solution to the age-old issue of lost keys. Only requiring a smart phone with a matching signal to unlock them, access controls can be managed in a centralized online system.

Benefits of Smart IoT Technology for the Education Sector

An icon of a building with arrows pointing to it.

Improve Building Environment Health

The more data available from as many different types of sensors relevant to the building will only make a positive difference to the building environment health. By monitoring and maintaining comfortable levels of ambient temperature and humidity, by ensuring IAQ is high, and the building has good ventilation, you are making a happier and healthier environment for all building occupants. Staff will be more efficient, and Students will be more productive, simply because of the conditions the direct environment the building provides.

A hand is holding a percentage sign in a blue circle.

Free up on-site Resources

Simply by reducing site visits alone from 12 monthly to 1 annually, the on-site resources required to administrate the site visits, the coordination on site to meet contractors and chaperone where required is reduced by 91.6% This benefit is carried over into the percentage of money saved, simply by no longer carrying out these tasks each month.

A blue circle with a white icon of a man wearing a hard hat.

Remove contractor site visits

Having 1 system that can acquire all data needed to assist in building management and optimization means all current contractor sites visits are removed as they are no longer required. 1 annual site visit for system maintenance. No more missed site visits, no more admin to rearrange contractors and no more missed readings for all on site systems being monitored.

A blue circle with a line drawing of a person holding a laptop.

Enables Preventive Maintenance

Having access to data 24/7 enables data analysis to show trends and map performance of key assets. This knowledge allows a preventive maintenance plan to be adopted. Instead of changing components at set timed intervals or when there is a full break down, using data you can see when the performance starts to drop off and therefore when new components are required. Over time this picture can be developed to show the expected life of components within the key assets on site.

The world has changed!

The world has changed! This is not an opinion; it is a fact. Since Early 2020 when COVID-19 first hit the world, so many things have changed. Although we are now in a time of recovery and the restrictions on our lives do seem to have been lifted, many people are still working from home or ‘remotely’ as it is often referred to, many people are not going out as much as they did, many buildings have reduced staff numbers and many disruptions still occur in the aftermath.

  • COVID-19 – Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still a big problem effecting so many aspects of life. The disruption of staff being off from work and the knock on effect of isolating is causing huge stress on the infrastructures in place across many industries.
  • Access to sites and assets – With many organisations reducing staff numbers, accessing sites and assets within sites is becoming more difficult.
  • Missed site visits – With many staff having to take unexpected time off from work, many planned visits for scheduled manual monitoring programs are not being carried out on time
  • Missed critical readings being recorded – Many assets, especially those hard to reach are being missed from visits as there is no access available or no one to chaperon visiting engineers during planned site visits.
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A person is getting a vaccine from a doctor.

Remote IoT Sensors vs BMS

Remote IoT Sensors

This technology has opened the world of remote monitoring to everyone and everything. All sensors are designed to be retro fitted to assets, enabling them to be monitored in the same way a BMS systems does within more complex buildings and sites. With a fully modular approach, Remote IoT Sensors allows users to monitor their highest needing assets first and build their network up over time. Begin your journey with Legionella Watch and Remote Temperature Monitoring, simply keep adding new sensor types to expand your network, end your journey with an easy to manage, more compliant and Smart building.


Stands for Building Management Services or Systems. An approach used in large and complex buildings with a full complement of building services such as HVAC, Chilled and Hot Water and Heating, Lifts or elevators, Fire Alarms, Refrigeration, and Security Systems. All of these will be connected via a LAN (Local Area Network) to a Head End Terminal to be monitored by on site facilities staff. BMS systems are installed during a buildings construction and are very expensive to implement. They are normally focused on plant equipment with the further reaches of the system left unmonitored. The cost to extend a BMS to include these elements is often prohibitive, as the installation and commissioning of hard wired sensors after construction is completed can cause huge disruption.

Remote IoT sensors can be used to enhance existing BMS systems at a fraction of the cost. All sensors are plug and play and can be added to the network as and when they are required or desired. Grow your building environment data and see your building management optimisation in a new and smarter way!

Get Smart Now !

Remote IoT Sensors vs BMS Monitoring System

A blue circle with a white icon of a computer chip inside of it.


A white background with a few lines on it
  • Reduce Maintenance and repair costs.
  • Provides a better working environment.
  • Environment Friendly.       
  • Remote access means little or no down time.
A white background with a few lines on it
  • Security Risks
  • Data Collection is difficult
  • It is very expensive
  • Installed during a building’s construction
A blue circle with a person hanging from the ceiling and arrows pointing in opposite directions.

Remote iot sensors

A white background with a few lines on it
  • Reduce Maintenance and repair costs.
  • Provides a better working environment.
  • Environment Friendly.
  • Remote access means little or no down time.
  • Data Collection is easy                 
  • It is not expensive.
  • Designed to be retro fitted.
  • Makes tasks easier.
A white background with a few lines on it
  • Security Risks

What is Remote Monitoring?

Remote Monitoring is a general term for any remote sensor monitoring any type of asset. Normally battery powered and with wireless data transmissions, remote sensors are changing the world we live in. Sensors send data to IoT Network gateways which then transmit it to hosted data servers connected to browser based software applications displaying the data on user dashboards. The ability to visualise data for so many aspects of building management give huge control to the building managers. Precise decisions can be made, efficiency can be boosted, preventive maintenance can be adopted, and resources and finances can be saved.

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A diagram of a bathroom with a shower and a bathtub
A picture of a building with a circle of icons around it

What is SMART Technology?

First, what does SMART mean? SMART stands for SELF-MONITORING, ANALYSIS and REPORTING TECHNOLOGY. It is a technology that uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis to provide cognitive awareness to objects that were in the past considered inanimate.

There are 3 main types of Smart Technology.

Internet of Things (IoT) - Describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with sensors, chips, software, online connectivity, analytics, and applications to bring fixed physical objects to life. These devices create significant value, they are innovative, scalable, and automated.

Smart Connected Devices – Usually connected to the internet or Bluetooth and controlled remotely, smart connected devices can offer a tailored user experience but must be physically managed given that they don’t adapt to the extent IoT devices do. Smart Phones or Smart Bulbs are an example of Smart Connected Devices.

Smart Devices - With reduced automation, no internet connection required, and of a programmable nature, smart devices, for instance, smart washing machines, provide specific personalized services at a particular time.

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A close up of a black and white quotation mark on a white background.

The whole process from installation to the updated weekly report has been fantastic.

Its purpose was to demonstrate how a newly installed system was operating for a 3-month period, so we could iron out any issues, or flag up any areas of concern before full hand over to the client. The real time data allowed us to make several minor adjustments and changes to achieve satisfactory temperatures throughout the property that would not normally be picked up.

Many Thanks for all your efforts, we shall definitely utilise this system on projects going forward

James Shaw

Miller Freeman

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